Music Near Cortland, NY USA
Where is Cortland, NY? Local Map
Cortland Music, Inc. is a non-profit organization that was registered in the State of New York on April 22, 2009 and is now recognized as 501(c)(3) tax exempt by the IRS. Details on the organization of Cortland Music, Inc. can be found by following the "Board" link at the top of the page.
Cortland Music makes recordings of local musicians available to the public in the form of indexes, links and podcasts. It also includes a a listing of local musicians and opportunities for musicians. The "style" buttons at the left will bring up information relevant to a particular style.
Below are links to information on some other local music groups. Please Contact Us If you would like another group added to this list.
- SUNY Cortland Performing Arts Department
- Homer Center for the Arts
- Arts at Grace: Music Series
- The Courthouse Park Music Series
- Main Street Music Series
- Cortland Country Music Park
Other Music Sites
- Classical Guitar Society of Upstate New York (Regional)
- Choral Union (SUNY Cortland)
- Freeville Music
Other Cultural Sites and Calendars
- Cortland Downtown
- City of Cortland Calendar
- Cortland Connection Calendar
- CortlandArts.Com maintained by the Cultural Council of Cortland County.
You are visitor number:
This website and many of the activities listed here were originally supported by
The New York State Music Fund,
established by the New York State Attorney General at
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.Some Events included here now receive support from
NYSCA Decentralization Grants
obtained through the
Cultural Resources Council of Onondaga Countywith additional support from
Ralph R. Wilkins Foundation