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Dixieland Band

Band Website: JazzHappensBand.Com

  The Jazz Happens Band is a musical ensemble operating out of Cortland, New York that specializes in traditional Dixie-style music. We are available to perform at any venue in the Central New York area.

On our group's origin, band leader Jeff Dovi has this to say:

In early spring of 2005 I was asked by Walt Anderson if I would be willing to play some music on the trails of the Lime Hollow Nature Center of Environment and Culture. Sounding like this could be fun, I called Mike Poole, a trombone player and asked him to join Walt on banjo, and me on trumpet. Mike, Walt and I met a few times to practice some tunes that lent themselves to a Dixie beat. The Music in the Woods program was held in June and the three of us played in the "duck blind" to passing hikers, and we got some great reviews.

This event actually spawned the Jazz Happens Band, a group now consisting of a number of talented musicians. We started rehearsing in March of 2006 and have played in multiple venues, including several benefit concerts: one for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life and again on the trails of the Lime Hollow Nature Center for Environment and Culture. A third benefit, for the East End Community Center, took place July 30, 2006.

I like to keep the music as true to a Dixie beat as possible, but we do throw in some rhythm and blues and some specialty numbers for the entertainment value they offer. I really think that Dixieland music is the happiest, toe-tapping and good-times music going; tunes that you can go home whistling!

From left: Jim Overhiser (tuba), Robbert van Renesse (banjo), Stephen Wilson (keyboard), Nick Pauldine (clarinet),
David Alexander (drums), Jeff Dovi (trumpet, band leader), Mike Poole (trombone).